Walk, Road and Parking Appurtenance (02840)
[Equipos para aceras, caminos y estacionamientos]
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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Concrete Median Barrier Crash Barriers DelineatorsFenders Guide Rail Impact Attenuating Devices Metal Median Barrier Parking Bumpers TrafficBarriers.
MasterFormat 2012:
(32 17 13) Parking Bumpers
(34 71 00) Roadway Construction
(34 71 13) Vehicle Barriers
(34 71 13.13) Vehicle Median Barriers
(34 71 13.16) Vehicle Crash Barriers
(34 71 13.19) Vehicle Traffic Barriers
(34 71 13.26) Vehicle Guide Rails
(34 71 13.29) Vehicle Barrier Fenders
(34 71 16) Impact Attenuating Devices
(34 71 19) Vehicle Delineators