Clarification and Modification Forms (00 63 00)


Clarification and Modification Forms (00 63 00)

Clarification and Modification Forms (00 63 00)

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Other Companies for Clarification and Modification Forms
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Bahn, Herzfeld & Multer LLP Allan Bahns legal practice is focused in the areas of construction law, general business law, commercial litigation, corporate compliance and investigations, employment law, criminal defense and complex disciplinary and regulatory matters. Allan Bah... New York, NY       URL
Law Office of Steven R. Lovett The Los Angeles Law Office of Steven R. Lovett has had hundreds of complex commercial litigation, real estate and construction trials and arbitrations. Over the years we have represented a wide range of clients, including institution lenders, archit... Woodland Hills, CA       URL

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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: RFI; request for interpretation, request for information; supplemental instruction form; order for minor change in the work; forms used to process.

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(00 43 25) Substitution Request Form (During Procurement)
(00 93 00) Record Clarifications and Proposals
(00 94 00) Record Modifications
(01 25 00) Substitution Procedures
(01 26 13) Requests for Interpretation
(01 32 16) Construction Progress Schedule