Manufactured Masonry (04 70 00)


Bollards by Stromberg - Practical and Ornamental Solutions (Mar 12, 2025)
Entryways from Stromberg Architectural Products (Jan 14, 2025)
Roman Bricks from The Belden Brick Company (Dec 17, 2024)
Crown Your Next Project's Wall with Exquisite Wall Caps (Nov 05, 2024)

Featured Companies for Manufactured Masonry

Featured Companies for Manufactured Masonry
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Stromberg Architectural Products, Inc.Stromberg Architectural Products, Inc. Stromberg Architectural Products Stromberg Architectural Products creates custom products in Cast Stone, GFRP, GFRC and GFRG. Website includes downloadable CAD files, project and product picture galleries and more. (P... Greenville, TX Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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Other Other Companies for Manufactured Masonry

Other Companies for Manufactured Masonry
RFI Company Description City, state Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Architectural Molded Composites, Inc. ARCHITECTURAL MOLDED COMPOSITES, INC. produces architectural ornamentation and fine art fabricated in GFRC and GFRP. Old world artisans have more than 25 years of experience in recreating architectural details. Our crafts-persons make molds from... Long Island, NY       URL
Archway System Prefabricated jack arch, radial arch, and cast stone brick work. Builder and masonry contractors who work with the Archway System on longer suffer from the frustrations and delays associated with cutting and assembling arches on site. Capitol Heights, MD       URL
Belstone & Tile Belstone Marble & Granite is the solution for your finishing needs. It is beyond durable, coordinates with almost any decorating scheme, adds the right amount of elegance to your guests environment, and is the most cost-effective, cost-competitive s... Van Nuys, CA       URL
Boulder Creek Stone Products Boulder Creek Stone manufactures lightweight stone veneer, thin brick, floor tile and a variety of accessories such as sills and wall caps. With 28 years of cast stone manufacturing experience, our quality is unsurpassed. Minneapolis       URL
Bradstone BRADSTONE products are the natural first choice where there is a particular need to echo the colours and textures of natural materials. They incorporate the warmth, texture and character of natural weathered stone, yet are less expensive and much ea... Stouffville, Ontario, WY (CA)       URL
Cathedral Stone Products Inc. Jahn Mortars are used for the restoration of masonry buildings and monuments throughout the United States and Canada. Jessup, MD       URL
Centurion Stone Stone designers and craftsmen. Nashville, TN       URL
Continental Cast Stone National producer of architectural cast stone. Cast Stone is a highly versatile architectural precast building material which looks like, is usually stronger than, weathers better, has greater color consistency, can be reinforced, and costs less tha... Shawnee, KS       URL
Coronado Stone Products Coronado Products are in fact, the leading innovators in both lightweight concrete veneers and dense paver tiles During the past 38 years, Coronado product line has grown to over 50 distinctively different series, available in a variety of colors wi... Fontana, CA       URL
Cultured Stone Corp. Cultured Stone veneer is created by master craftsmen who select the best textures, sizes and shapes from the finest natural stone. Cultured Stone products are cast in molds made from these stones and finished in a process that replicates existing co... Napa, CA       URL
Dura Art Stone Dura Art Stone is synonymous with enduring art and creative craftsmanship. Our artisan heritage of high quality and attention to detail is evident throughout our design, mold making and manufacturing processes. Fontana, CA       URL
Edon Corp. Edon is a leader in producing Fibre Glass Domes. Horsham, PA       URL
Eldorado Stone Corp. Eldorado Stone is a manufactured building stone veneer offering excellent durability and the authentic beauty of natural stone at a fraction of the cost of natural stone. A unique molding method allows us to replicate the actual shape and texture of... Carnation, WA       URL
Formglas Products Ltd. We are the world’s leading manufacturer of glass fiber reinforced gypsum, concrete and composite molded architectural product solutions. Formglas creates custom fabricated solutions for precision-engineered and sustainable architectural produ... Vaughan, ON (CA)       URL
Increte Systems, Inc. Increte Systems is recognized as the leading innovator in the decorative concrete industry. During the past three decades, architects, designers and engineers have chosen Increte Systems for more than 250 million sq. ft. of Increte installations com... Tampa, FL       URL
Northfield, a subsidiary of Oldcastle APG, a CRH company Northfield, a subsidiary of Oldcastle APG, a CRH company, is a leading provider of AIA/CES approved programs. To schedule an AIA or NCMA Continuing Education presentation at your architectural office, call Oldcastle APG 1-847-949-3600 or email. Atlanta, GA       URL
Omega Products International, Inc Omega Products International prides itself on being the leader in commercial and residential exterior and interior stucco wall systems. Orange, CA       URL
Perlite Institute Inc. The Perlite Institute Inc. is an international trade association which establishes product standards and specifications, and which encourages the development of new product uses through research. Staten Island, NY       URL
Spectra Glaze In 1790 Spectra Glaze started in Baltimore, Maryland by the Burns & Russell Co. but is now a part of the Hi-Standard family brand. In the beginning, they started out manufacturing clay brick and pavers and selling them in and around the city of Balt... Fort Worth, TX       URL
Stone Legends, CSCS Stone Legends manufactures cast stone and cut stone of the highest quality. We specialize in crafting beautiful cast stone columns, cast stone veneers, balustrades and window and door surrounds. We have been supplying quality cast stone products nat... Dallas, TX       URL
Stonewear Since 1976 we have been applying advanced cement composite technologies to the fabrication of watertight architectural shapes where cost / benefit exceeds that of conventional materials. We pioneered the use of GFRC cast stone for site amenities. Carson City, NV       URL
Z-BRICK est. 1956 Welcome to the best place to find the many styles of timeless face brick with all of the warmth and durability of handmade brick but without the size, weight, and cost. Z-BRICK products have been developed with the do-it-yourself decorator in mind.... Mound, MN       URL

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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: manufactured masonry; simulated masonry; manufactured stone; artificial stone, simulated stone; various types of manufactured masonry.

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