Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms (13 49 16)


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Featured Companies for Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms

Featured Companies for Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms
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MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company Every Solution in Shielding Since 1979, MarShield has been North America’s premier lead caster, manufacturer and global supplier of gamma and neutron radiation shielding products and materials to the nuclear energy , nuclear medicine , diagno... Burlington, ON (CA) Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
MarsMetalMarsMetal MarsMetal is a North American manufacturer and global leader in lead casting, lead fabrication, lead finishing and custom lead products. With over 40 years of expertise, MarsMetal continues to lead the field in manufacturing, custom design, and inn... Burlington, Ontario (CA) Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications   URL
Ultraray Group IncUltraray Group Inc At Ultraray, we provide radiation shielding solutions and supplies for Hospital and Clinic Construction, Industrial NDT, Power Generation, Security and Defense, Aerospace and Nuclear Industries. We believe the keystone to our success is offering ju... Oakville, ON (CA) Brochures     URL

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Products for Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms

Products for Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms
Preview Product Description Company Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details
X-Ray Rooms, Walls, Curtains & Booths X-Ray Rooms, EZ Quick Shielding Panels, Stationary Barriers / Walls, Lead Curtains, Mobile Clear Leaded Glass Barrier, Mobile Clear Leaded Acrylic Barrier, Mobile Adjustable Height Shields, Mobile Porta-Shields, Booth/Vaults.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Test Weights MarsMetal Specialty Casting Division designs and produces standard and custom lead test weights that help ensure the safety of elevators, aircraft and cranes/hoists. Our products exceed industry standards for all of your testing applications.
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Shielding Materials & Fixtures Ultraray's Radiation Shielding Materials & Fixtures offer turnkey solutions or act a as a critical vendor for all lead and lead-based shielding materials & fixtures you need for your next project. For over 30 years, we have supplied the...
Ultraray Group IncUltraray Group Inc
Build/Construction Materials EZ Quick Shielding Panels, Sheet Lead, Lead Bricks, Lead Lined Drywall, Lead Lined Plywood, High Density Concrete Blocks, Borated Polyethylene, Borated Polyethylene Pellets.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Medical imaging/facility shielding MarShield is an industry leader in radiation shielding materials for medical, veterinary, dental and healthcare facilities shielding. Our extensive inventory of Lead Lined Drywall, Lead Lined Plywood, Sheet Lead, Lead Glass and Lead Curtains are...
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Nuclear Radiation Shielding Lead Bricks, Lead Pours, Borated Polyethylene, Borated Polyethylene Pellets, Lead Wool Shielding Blankets, Lead Wool Snakes & Wraps/Annulus, High Density Concrete Blocks, Lead Shot.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Sheet Lead Marshield has 70 tons of sheet lead in stock and ready to ship. Manufactured from pure lead conforming to ASTM B-29, B-749 and Federal QQ-L-201F, QQ-L-171E standards.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Nuclear Medicine Solutions MarShield is an industry leader in products for the nuclear medicine field. Our extensive inventory of lead lined cabinets, lead storage containers, high-energy shielded decay drums and tungsten vial & syringe shields are available at extremely...
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Nuclear Energy MarShield continues to be a leader in the field of lead and lead alternative nuclear shielding solutions. Our in-house designed and manufactured Lead Storage Containers, High-Energy Shielded Decay Drums and Lead Lined Cabinets provide superior...
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Counterweights Bridge Weights, Commercial Elevator Counterweights, Forklift Counterweights and Additions, Marine Ballast Weights, Industrial Mine Shaft Weights, Window Sash Weights, Damper Weights and Other Solutions.
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Doors & Windows Lead Curtains, Lead Lined Doors, Lead Lined Windows, Lead Glass, Clear Lead Acrylic.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Sheet Lead Mars Metal offers sheet lead as laminated panels, adhesive bonded to such materials like plywood, gypsum board, and other supporting materials.
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Tungsten Heavy Alloy Tungsten Heavy Alloy has a density of up to 18.89 g/cm3 vs. lead at 11.34 g/cm3. It’s ease of mechanical processing/machining, high ductility and strength makes it a viable option for many applications where lead is not feasible whether it be for...
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Custom Castings, Machined Lead Parts, Radiation Shielding... Custom Castings, Machined Lead Parts, Radiation Shielding...
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Radiography/NDT Radiation shielding is often required in industrial x-ray and non-destructive testing (NDT) applications. MarShield’s broad range of radiation shielding solutions can be used to protect sensitive components and the equipment operator from x-rays...
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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T-Flex® Tungsten Shielding T-Flex Tungsten, Bismuth Blankets, T-Flex Ribbon Wrap, T-Flex Pipe Shielding, T-Flex Floor Shielding, T-Flex Custom, T-Flex Racking & Storage, T-Flex Magnetic, T-Flex Nuclear Medicine Laboratory, T-Flex Nuclear Dry Cask.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Nuclear Storage Lead Storage Containers, Lead Lined Cabinets.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Tungsten Heavy Alloy MarShield Radiation Shielding are experts in the in the customization of tungsten heavy alloy for the Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Medicine/Radioisotope, diagnostic imaging and non-destructive testing industries.
MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal CompanyMarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
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Nuclear Medicine / Radiopharmacy At Ultraray Radiation Protection, we design, manufacture and supply lead lined Nuclear Medicine Hot Lab Equipment equipment, fixtures and complete hot lab solutions. Our reputation is built on delivering only the safest and highest quality lead...
Ultraray Group IncUltraray Group Inc
Lead Materials MarsMetal Speciality Castings Division is a leading supplier of lead materials including lead ingots, lead shot, lead bricks, lead pipe and sheet lead.
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Modular & Mobile Shielding Ultraray’s Modular & Mobile X-Ray Barriers protect medical personnel from secondary radiation in radiology, diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine, cath labs, OR, and special procedure rooms. In addition to their use in a medical environment, these...
Ultraray Group IncUltraray Group Inc
Nuclear Plant Solutions The Nuclear Plant Shielding Products we offer are the culmination of meticulous design and engineering, aimed at providing superior radiation protection solutions. We take pride in our ability to customize these products to align with the specific...
Ultraray Group IncUltraray Group Inc
Industry & Defence At Ultraray we deliver on our promise of incredible quality and customer service with just the right amount of know-how when you need it. As an experienced Industry and Defence vendor, we carry a complete line of radiation shielding products as well...
Ultraray Group IncUltraray Group Inc

Other Other Companies for Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms

Other Companies for Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms
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Radiation Protection Products Radiation Protection Products manufactures a full line of radiation shielding, nuclear shielding and industrial lead products. They include lead lined doors, lead lined drywall (otherwise known as lead lined sheetrock or lead lined gypsum wallboard... Wayzata, MN       URL

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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: lead bricks.

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(13 49 13) Integrated X-Ray Shielding Assemblies
(13 49 19) Lead-Lined Materials
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(13 49 26) Modular RFI/EMI Shielding Rooms