About Deeter Foundry Inc.


Deeter Foundry Inc.

5945 No. 70th St.
City, state:
Lincoln, NE
Postal code:
68529 show map
United States
(800) 234-7466
(402) 464-7466
(402) 464-8533

Since 1945 Deeter Foundry, Inc. has been producing gray iron castings for all segments of the construction industry. Deeter's construction casting product line includes manhole frames and covers, storm sewer inlet frames, grates and curbs, tr...

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(02080) Utility Material
(02280) Grade Adjustment and Abandonment of Existing Miscellaneous Structures
(02530) Sanitary Sewerage
(02580) Electrical & Communication Structure
(02630) Storm Drainage
(02640) Culverts & Manufactured Construction
(05530) Grating
(05560) Metal Casting
(05725) Ornamental Metal Casting
(05 53 00) Metal Gratings
(05 56 00) Metal Castings
(05 74 00) Decorative Metal Castings
(21 11 16) Facility Fire Hydrants
(22 05 73) Facility Drainage Manholes
(26 27 13) Electricity Metering
(26 56 13) Lighting Poles and Standards
(33 05 13) Manholes and Structures
(33 05 13.13) Manhole Grade Adjustment
(33 12 19) Water Utility Distribution Fire Hydrants
(33 30 00) Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
(33 31 00) Sanitary Utility Sewerage Piping
(33 32 13) Packaged Utility Lift Stations
(33 32 16) Packaged Utility Wastewater Pumping Stations
(33 32 16.13) Packaged Sewage Grinder Pumping Units
  (33 32 19) Public Utility Wastewater Pumping Stations
(33 34 00) Sanitary Utility Sewerage Force Mains
(33 39 13) Sanitary Utility Sewerage Manholes, Frames, and Covers
(33 39 23) Sanitary Utility Sewerage Cleanouts
(33 41 00) Storm Utility Drainage Piping
(33 42 00) Culverts
(33 42 13) Pipe Culverts
(33 42 16) Concrete Culverts
(33 42 16.13) Precast Concrete Culverts
(33 42 16.16) Cast-in-Place Concrete Culverts
(33 44 00) Storm Utility Water Drains
(33 44 13) Utility Area Drains
(33 44 13.13) Catchbasins
(33 49 13) Storm Drainage Manholes, Frames, and Covers
(33 49 23) Storm Drainage Water Retention Structures
(33 71 13) Electrical Utility Towers
(33 71 16) Electrical Utility Poles
(33 71 19) Electrical Underground Ducts and Manholes
(33 71 19.13) Electrical Manholes and Handholes
(33 71 73) Electrical Utility Services
(33 71 73.33) Electric Meters
(33 81 16) Antenna Towers
(33 81 19) Communications Utility Poles
(33 81 26) Communications Underground Ducts, Manholes, and Handholes

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