Glass door security options: developing an all-glass bulletproof door
'Frameless' all-glass doors are broad and inviting—practically the standard for modern offices. It’s important to know, however, that startlingly few glass door security options both fit and meet aesthetic demands while still providing significant safety.

STC or OITC? How to select the proper sound rating for automatic smoke vents
Diving into the world of acoustical ratings is like opening a can of alphabet soup. You’re unsure which letters will float to the top, what their significance is and how to unscramble and define the mishmash of letters staring at you.
While there is a jumble of letters, the critical ratings for determining the acoustical quality of building products fall into two groups: Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). Depending upon the structure being built and the application of the products, the difference in the ratings is essential for architects, designers and construction teams to understand.
Stainless Steel Round Cable Railing
Stainless steel cable railing systems are revered for their beauty and longevity. The brushed finish, subtle curves and bold lines of the round stainless steel cable railing systems give them modern eye appeal and class that exceed anything on the market today.
Do You Need to Increase the Weight Capacity of Your Elevator?
We take elevators for granted in our daily lives and use them without thinking twice if they are secure. Elevator test weights are essential for ensuring safety and are a critical component in the testing and certification of elevators.
Mars Metal offers a broad range of casting abilities and can provide custom test weights to meet your exact requirements.
Acousti-Mat® - the sound control solution for your mass timber project
Mass Timber continues to revolutionize the construction industry. Maxxon has performing sound tests and providing sound control, Acousti-Mat® Systems since the trend emerged in the United States.
How to Properly Install and Weld Thermoplastic and Metallic Waterstops
Today we're going to cover how to weld PVC and TPV waterstops. Before we can show you how to weld waterstop we need to go over waterstop welding safety as well as some of the tools you'll need.
Roof hatch grab bars provide a safe hand hold on when climbing in and out of a roof hatch
When you use a roof hatch, the Roof Hatch Safety Grab Bars make it much safer and more comfortable. Included drill bits and mounting hardware make the Grab Bars easy to install on your roof hatch. Constructed of heavy welded steel. Adjustable to fit all standard roof hatches 24” – 48”. The only uninterrupted grab bars with hand stops meeting OSHA Regulation 1910.27(d)(3). Powder coated in safety yellow for lasting durability.
Daylighting Benefits: Give Your Building's Occupants a Boost
We all know the dread of walking into a dark, dreary, windowless space, or working in an area where there's no access to natural light. Without cues from the sun and the natural world, we can feel tired and depressed, and this lack of light can even have an effect on our sleep patterns. Luckily, that's where daylighting systems come into play - the natural light they bring into a space doesn't just help with energy costs, it also boosts our well-being.
