Deflection, Drainage and Drying: the 3 basics of water management in a wall system
Deflection. Drainage. Drying. These are the basics of water management. Deflect water wherever possible and ensure any water that is present can drain. It is important to make provisions to dry out the areas that get wet. The techniques are simple, and with Kingspan GreenGuard products and support, the tools are readily available.

Designing Radiation Shielding for NDT and Other Industries
Our lives are impacted by industrial x-ray and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) as they play a crucial role in ensuring safety and reliability of everything from aircraft parts, to bridges and power stations.
However, this also puts equipment operators and sensitive components at risk of being exposed to harmful radiation. MarShield designs and manufactures custom modular radiation shielding rooms, protecting all stakeholders by maintaining a safe work-place environment.
Bollards for Campus Safety: A strategy for successful traffic management
Colleges and universities often function like small towns. University planners oversee construction of many of the same facilities and amenities found in typical cities. Along with learning centers and student living quarters, post-secondary institutions now increasingly include shops, banks, restaurants, pubs, large sports venues, and business offices. Creating campus safety means integrating these into the ebb and tide of students that surge through a busy campus. This can represent an increased strain on institutional infrastructure, as colleges and universities must plan for high levels of both pedestrian and non-motorized traffic, buses, and a larger-than-average proportion of young drivers on the road. These demands make traffic safety on campus both uniquely challenging and of criti...
Weather Resistant Planters
Outdoor planters should be able to withstand the UV rays of the sun and other outdoor elements. Still, most landscaping products are not made to withstand the wear and tear provoked by nature and the general public. It doesn't take long for standard planters to start fading if left in the sun day after day. TerraCast® resin planters are treated with a UV inhibitor, which means they will not need painting or refinishing because they will not fade, chip, or peel.
New podcast looks at window shade fabrics selection to balance aesthetics and performance
Is the selection of window shade fabrics purely about aesthetics and color? Not at all, and that’s a big misconception. Many factors influence these decisions.
To discuss what those are and bring insights to listeners, host Tyler Kern talked everything fabrics with Jeff Miller, Director of Architectural Shading Solutions for Draper, and Colin Blackford, Director of Business Development for Mermet USA.
Quantifying its performance, which includes many components, is key to choosing the right fabric.
Trex Commercial Products Brings Fans to Their Feet With Safe Standing Solutions
Fittingly timed to coincide with the kickoff of the 2021 Major League Soccer (MLS) season, Trex Commercial Products, a leading national provider of architectural railing systems, has introduced a number of Safe Standing Solutions designed to elevate the fan experience for avid supporters of MLS and other sports. The customizable systems allow fans to safely stand (or sit) and cheer on their favorite teams – and can be integrated into new builds or existing venues to enhance function and versatility.
7 Tips for Preventing Costly Fire Damage Repair
Workplace fires are a serious issue. Even if they happen during hours when no one is in the building, the damage and the cost of repair can be catastrophic. In 2018, fires caused more than 25 billion dollars in collective loss and damages. Of the fires recorded that year, more than 100,000 of them were non-residential buildings, with a range of associated causes.
How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve Security Entrances?
With the evolving dynamics of cloud storage and the ability to harness and proactively employ an ever-increasing pool of big data, artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted video surveillance, which has been among the biggest beneficiaries of faster processing and impactful analytics. Even building automation, fire systems, intrusion detection, and physical and network access control have AI built into many core competencies.
