How secure are aluminium windows?
When replacing the windows and doors in a commercial building, the first consideration is always cost. Does a potential replacement provide tangible benefits to the business? New window frames can refresh the look of your building, particularly if you opt for uPVC fittings. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, typically abbreviated to uPVC, is the go-to material for refurbishing tired windows and doors. It can lend a refreshed feel to building exteriors while improving the insulation considerably. Yet uPVC windows leave something to be desired from the perspective of security.

The Village of Slocan - Celebrating a Sense of Place
The Village of Slocan offers a rare respite from the frenzy of modern life. Set idyllically in the West Kootenay region of southeastern British Columbia, the community boasts a population of nearly 300 lucky residents and welcomes adventurers year-round as a gateway to nearby Valhalla Provincial Park. Historically, this area’s economy was fueled by the mining and timber industry, and that industrial past still lingers in the former mill site on the shore of Slocan Lake. A newly revitalized waterfront recreation area celebrates the Village of Slocan’s unique character with nods to the past and a view to future improvements.
Boon Edam Publishes Best-Practices Whitepaper for Integrating Access Control with Security Entrances
'Access Control Integration with Turnstiles and Security Doors' outlines the five basic components of an access control system and explores its inherent weaknesses related to working with different types of entrances in controlling unauthorized entry. The whitepaper then reveals the benefits and best practices around integrating access control systems with security entrances, including high security revolving doors and portals; medium security optical turnstiles, and low security tripod and full height turnstiles.
Maxxon® Commercial MVP One Primer
Maxxon® Commercial MVP One Primer is a ready-to-use, zero VOC moisture barrier and primer. When applied to concrete substrates, Maxxon® Commercial MVP One Primer addresses moisture-related issues (high MVER, RH, and pH) and primes the surface for an underlayment or patch. It has a typical re-coat time of less than one hour, allowing for rapid turnaround on fast-track projects.
The EconoSpan® louver and screen system is ideal for roof top equipment screening or other applications with large areas requiring concealment and ventilation
The EconoSpan® louver and screen system is a continuous louver product comprised mainly of roll formed louvers that snap firmly onto 'double-gripped' stringers or posts installed on pre-determined intervals. This system is ideal for roof top equipment screening or other applications with large areas requiring concealment and ventilation.
Along with being very attractive, it is also one of the industry’s most affordable systems.
Channelizers and Flexible Bollards
Channelizers and flexible bollard posts have proven highly effective at properly directing traffic and reducing the chance of accidents in many locations. Our channelizer posts and safety bollards are durable and bright, highly visible, day and night. They clearly delineate driving lanes with bright colors and reflective sheeting. Pexco's channelizers are NCHRP 350 and MASH compliant as category I devices.
False Joints – Peabody College at Vanderbilt University
StoneLite® Indiana Standard Buff limestone panels are in production for the stone portion of the exterior renovation of Peabody College HEM at Vanderbilt University. SPI incorporated false joints on the 48”x16” panels to give the appearance of a 48”x8” module size to help reduce the number of panels to install. The false joints are continued into the matched returns creating a prefabricated, ready to install panel.
Design Spotlight: Worship Facilities
Places of worship often play a central role in people’s lives and are more than just spiritual venues – they often serve as important social centers, gathering places, and community hubs. They also carry with them some unique design challenges, so lets take a look at daylighting systems and how to best incorporate them into these types of spaces.
